
Open Source Program Assessment (+ ISO5230/ISO18974 Readiness)

ISO5230 (OpenChain Specification 2.1) defines the key requirements of a quality open source license compliance program, and ISO18974 (OpenChain Security Assurance) identifies the minimum core set of requirements every Security Assurance program should satisfy.

To be confident in your open source compliance and security posture, FOSSAware offers support and assessment of your open source management program, according to both  ISO5230 and ISO18974 key requirements.

M&A Open Source Due Diligence

Encompassing over two-thirds of the average modern software, open source has become an essential part of software development. Companies involved with technology M&A understand the importance and risks open source software poses to the deal’s value, whether the key asset is a device, software, or service. FOSSAware audits and analyses the key assets to identify and report open source actual and potential risks.



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